From left to right: Adriana Angarita Fonseca, Dr. Amanda Froehlich Chow, Robyn Reist, Dr. Oluwafemi Oluwole, Dr. Marcus Yung, Dr. Behzad Bashiri, Dr. Amanda Florentina Do Nascimento and Upkardeep Pandher. (Absent from the photo: Ulfat Ara Khanam and Maurice M’bang’ombe)

2017 - 2018 CCHSA Founding Chairs Fellowship Awardees

Congratulations to the CCHSA Founding Chairs Fellowship Awardees

The CCHSA Founding Chairs Fellowship Competition Committee has announced the results of the 2017-18 competition awarding the following individuals and research projects:



Project Title

Post Doc/Clinical
Dr. Amanda Florentina do Nascimento
Allergic lung inflammation in offspring of pregnant mice exposed to organic dust
Dr. Marcus Yung
Investigating the effects of whole body vibration on human performance
Dr. Amanda Froehlich Chow
Supporting rural dementia patients and their caregivers: Identification of rural team-based primary health care approaches for dementia
Dr. Behzad Bashiri
Investigating whole-body vibration impacts on farm machinery egress performance
Dr. Oluwafemi Oluwole
Asthma phenotypes and severity among children in Saskatchewan
Ulfat Ara Khanam
Predicting and validating asthma among rural and urban children
Upkardeep Pandher
Unraveling the inflammatory nature of endotoxin and glyphosate inhalation exposure to agricultural workers by the use of animal model
Adriana Angarita Fonseca
Physical activity and chronic back disorders in Canadian adults: a comparison between rural and urban dwellers
Maurice M’bang’ombe
Assessment of the source of cholera outbreak at Lake Chilwa in Malawi
Robyn Reist
Ergo-Vet: Ergonomic assessment and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among large animal veterinarians

The CCHSA Founding Chairs Fellowship awardees with members of the competition committee. From left to right: Dr. Donna Rennie (committee member), Adriana Angarita Fonseca, Dr. Amanda Froehlich Chow, Robyn Reist, Dr. Oluwafemi Oluwole, Dr. George Katselis (committee chair), Dr. Marcus Yung, Dr. Behzad Bashiri, Dr. Amanda Florentina Do Nascimento, Upkardeep Pandher and Dr. Julie Kosteniuk (committee member) (Absent from the photo: Ulfat Khanam, awardee; Maurice M’bang’ombe, awardee; and Dr. Catherine Trask, committee member)